Rent Assistance Programs By State

As middle- and low-income renters struggle to afford rent over a year after the beginning of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic, states and the federal government have funded numerous programs to assist renters. Below is a guide to resources in all U.S. states and territories that renters can use to locate and apply for rental assistance. Please use the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Rental Assistance webpage for more information.

Rent Assistance in Alaska

Alaskans should visit the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) Rental Assistance web page to apply for rent assistance in Alaska.

Programs include assistance for seniors over the age of 62; single, homeless individuals in Anchorage; families displaced by domestic violence or sexual assault; low-income residents renting from private landlords; public housing accommodations; low-income Alaskans on parole or probation, and youth aging out of foster care; homeless veterans and families; eligible residents for community-based long-term assistance.

Rent Assistance in Arizona

Visit the Arizona Department of Economic Security (ADES) Emergency Rental Assistance Program webpage for information and application materials regarding rent assistance in Arizona.

The Emergency Rental Assistance Program serves the following communities: Apache, Cochise, Coconino, Gila, Graham, Greenlee, La Paz, Mohave, Navajo, Pinal, Santa Cruz, and Yavapai. Additional county and city programs include Pima County, Tucson, Yuma County, Phoenix, Glendale, Chandler, Mesa, Gilbert, and Maricopa County. Renters can input their address by clicking here to determine which rent assistance program applies in their area.

Rent Assistance in Arkansas

Renters looking for rent assistance in Arkansas should visit the Arkansas Department of Human Services Rental Assistance webpage for information. Per federal funding, Arkansas allocated COVID-19 relief funds to local governments and community groups.

Funding includes aid for street outreach, homelessness prevention, rapid re-housing, and emergency shelter, along with critical services like childcare, skills training, and transportation assistance. Renters should contact one of the following organizations for help.

Rent Assistance in California

The California Emergency Rental Assistance Program offers rent assistance to California households. Eligible applicants must have income at or below 80% of the area median income, experienced a decrease in income because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and demonstrated a risk of housing instability or homelessness.

Eligible applicants interested in applying for rental assistance can find the application by clicking here.

Rent Assistance in Colorado

The Emergency Rental and Mortgage Assistance Program helps eligible applicants secure rent assistance in Colorado. Property owners and/or tenants may qualify for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) if:

  • The tenant was unable to pay the property rent or mobile home lot rent because the tenant experienced financial need due to COVID-19.
  • The tenant’s household monthly income is at or below the maximum income listed here (80% Area Median Income.) 
  • The property owner and/or tenant has not already received rental assistance that covered the tenant’s rent for the months requested.
  • They complete the application for assistance and provide all of the needed documentation.
  • Other qualifications and documentation required will be explained by the agency you work with to access the funds.

Unless applicants are applying for benefits in a county other than Jefferson, Douglas, Weld County, or Arapahoe County (except Aurora), you must create an account on the program’s web portal by clicking here.  

Rent Assistance in Connecticut

Renters looking for rent assistance in Connecticut can find information by visiting the UniteCT Emergency Rental Assistance Program webpage. Eligible renters must have an area median household income of no more than 80%. Applicants can see a table of AMI’s per community by clicking here.

Rent Assistance in Delaware

The Delaware Housing Assistance Program (DEHAP) provides tenants with rent assistance in Delaware. DEHAP can provide rental assistance for up to 15 months starting from April 2020 for up to $2,000 per month.  

To qualify for benefits, eligible renters must have household members who are eligible for unemployment, or experienced a reduction in income, incurred significant costs, or experienced other financial hardship because of the pandemic. Further, applicants must have a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability, which may include past due utility or rent notice or eviction notice, or housing cost burden (rent is more than 30% of monthly income. Lastly, applicants must have an income at or below the 80% of the median income in their community.

Rent Assistance in the District of Columbia (D.C.)

The Department of Housing and Community Development created the Housing Assistance Program (CHAP), which offers rent assistance in the District of Columbia (D.C.). Residents can use rent assistance starting from April 2020. 

Financial assistance is based on income, and household size as tenants must earn 80% of the Median Family Income (MFI) or below to qualify. District residents will have to demonstrate that they are delinquent on rent or cannot pay rent due because they have lost employment due to COVID-19. Applicants may receive another housing subsidy, including Section 8, public housing, or benefit from a Housing Choice Voucher (HCVP).

Rent Assistance in Florida

The Florida Department of Children and Families is currently developing the Florida Emergency Rental Assistance Program. The program will provide rent assistance in Florida. Please periodically check the website for updates. Some cities and counties may have already received and implemented rent assistance funds, a list of which can also be found on the agency’s website.

Rent Assistance in Georgia

The Georgia Rental Assistance Program can provide rent assistance in Georgia for up to 15 months. Residents can also apply for utility assistance. To be eligible for benefits, tenants must


  • identification (State ID or passport), 
  • income documents for every adult (age 18 and older) in the household,
  • a past due rent notice or utility bill, along with provider documents and account numbers, 
  • a copy of the lease agreement, 
  • and documentation attesting to unemployment eligibility or documents showing a reduction in income, significant costs, or financial hardship due directly or indirectly to COVID-19.

Rent Assistance in Hawaii

On February 9, 2021, the State of Hawaii announced spending approximately $200 million on rent assistance in Hawaii for residents struggling from the pandemic. Interested residents should contact the governor’s office with inquiries. U.S. Senator Brian Schatz of Hawaii also released information regarding Relief for Renters and Homeowners in Hawaii.

Rent Assistance in Idaho

The Idaho Housing and Finance Association’s Housing Preservation Program provides available funds for rent assistance in Idaho. Applicants must be able to show the following requirements:

  • They are unable to pay rent/utilities due to COVID-19 related financial hardship.
  • They are an Idaho resident (outside of Ada County) and legally reside in the U.S.
  • They have an income of 80% or less of the area’s median income.

The application may be completed by a renter or a housing provider acting on a renter’s behalf. Applicants cannot receive assistance if they are renting from a relative (without a request for accommodation, which is on question 5 of the application) or currently receiving a federal housing subsidy.

Rent Assistance in Illinois

The Illinois Housing Development Authority is creating a new rental assistance program that will provide rental housing aid to those impacted by COVID-19. The program is still under development, so check back on the website for further updates.

Rent Assistance in Indiana

Those seeking rent assistance in Indiana must visit the Indiana Housing Now’s Indiana Rental Assistance Program (IERA) portal to apply for benefits.

To qualify for assistance, renters must:

  •  be at or below 80% of the median income in their county, 
  • have one or more household members experience financial hardship from the pandemic (qualify for unemployment, experienced a reduction in income, or incurred significant costs), 
  • have past due rent or utility bills that may cause homelessness of housing instability, 
  • and be seeking rental assistance for their primary residence. 

IREA can provide a maximum of 12 months in rental assistance.

Renters living in Elkhart County, Hamilton County, Lake County, Marion County (Indianapolis), the City of Fort Wayne, or St. Joseph County must apply for rental assistance with their local municipality.

Rent Assistance in Iowa

Renters can visit the Iowa Finance Authority Iowa (FAI) Rent and Utility Assistance Program webpage for information about rent assistance in Iowa.

Eligible renters must meet the following criteria:

  • Renter households must have an income of no more than 80% of the area’s median income.
  • One or more individuals in the household qualify for unemployment benefits, experienced a reduction in income, incurred significant costs, or experienced financial hardship directly or indirectly because of the pandemic.
  • Households at risk of becoming homeless or experience housing instability because of unpaid rent or utility bills.  

Renters seeking assistance must take the Eligibility Precheck to determine assistance eligibility. Applications for assistance are currently anticipated to be available on Monday, March 29 at 2:00 p.m.  

Rent Assistance in Kansas

Renters looking for rent assistance in Kansas should visit the Kansas Housing Corporation Kansas Emergency Rental Assistance (KERA) webpage for assistance information.

To meet the eligibility requirements for assistance, applicants must:

  •  rent their home, 
  • have earned 2020 income not exceeding 80% of the area’s median income, 
  • experienced documented financial hardship because of the pandemic or incurred pandemic-related expenses, 
  • be at risk of becoming homeless, 
  • and provide valid proof of identification.

Finally, applicants must not have received income from other sources for the exact costs and period while applying for KERA assistance.

Eligible tenants can apply for KERA assistance by clicking here.

Rent Assistance in Kentucky

The Healthy at Home Eviction Relief Fund Application provides rent assistance in Kentucky. Applications reopened on February 15, 2021, so if you applied for aid in the past, you must apply again. To be eligible, tenants must resident in any Kentucky county outside of Fayette or Jefferson County. Further, tenants seeking assistance must have experienced income reduction/loss or other economic hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and gross household income before taxes cannot exceed 80% Area Median Income (AMI).

Depending on past due bills, tenant applicants may seek assistance with rent, utilities, or both. If an applicant is at risk of eviction as evidenced by a past due letter from the landlord, a pending court eviction, eviction notice, or similar document. If an applicant is past due on utility payments, it must be documented in the most recent utility bill. Utilities paid by the landlord are not eligible for assistance.

Rent Assistance in Louisiana

The State of Louisiana recently launched the U.S. Treasury Emergency Rental Assistance Program to provide emergency rental assistance in Louisiana. To apply, applicants must show documentation of income (this includes unemployment compensation), proof of an obligation to pay rent, evidence of current housing instability, and photo identification. Applicants should review the renter application checklist before applying by clicking here.

If you live in Caddo, Calcasieu, East Baton Rouge, Jefferson, Lafayette, Orleans, or St. Tammany Parish, you must apply directly to the program in your parish.

Rent Assistance in Maine

The Maine State Housing Authority is administering rent assistance in Maine for eligible tenants. To apply, applicants must show that their income was reduced, incurred significant costs, or experienced other financial hardship because of COVID-19, qualified for unemployment benefits between March 13, 2020, and the date of your application. Further, applicants must show that they are at risk of becoming homeless or might lose their housing. Lastly, applicants must meet certain household income limits to apply. Applicants can use an income calculation to determine eligibility by clicking here.

Rent Assistance in Maryland

The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Eviction Protection Program will help residents with rent assistance in Maryland. As of March 26, 2021, the program is still in development and expects to launch on May 1, 2021. Check back on the webpage for further updates.

Rent Assistance in Massachusetts

Renters searching for rent assistance in Massachusetts should visit the Massachusetts Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) webpage to apply for benefits.

To be eligible for benefits, renters must provide a statement attesting to receiving unemployment benefits, decreased wages, or increased expenses due to COVID-19; and show earnings of up to 80% of Area Median Income (AMI) (to determine your region’s AMI, please click here. Households may be eligible for up to 12 months of rental assistance (plus an extra three months if funding allows and need is demonstrated), as well as overdue utility bills of up to $1,500. Applicants must have accrued all rent and utility arrears after 3/13/20. Renters may only receive help with rent and utilities accrued since March 13, 2020. Boston residents must apply for rental assistance through the City of Boston’s Rental Relief Fund.

Rent Assistance in Michigan

The Michigan State Housing Development Authority plans to administer its COVID Emergency Rental Assistance (CERA) Program starting March 15, 2021, using a local nonprofit agency network. It intends to create an online portal application by the end of March or early April.

Eligible applicants must show they have a household income of less than 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI) and meet the following conditions: 

individual(s) in the household that qualified for unemployment benefits or experienced a reduction in household income, 

incurred significant costs, or experienced other financial hardship due directly or indirectly to the coronavirus outbreak; and individual(s) in the household that can demonstrate a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability evidenced by a past due utility or rent notice.

Rent Assistance in Minnesota

As of March 26, 2021, Minnesota Housing is planning to release information about their upcoming rental assistance program in the coming weeks. Eligible renters will include households that earned 80% or less of area median income in 2020 or the most recent month.

Rent Assistance in Mississippi

The Rental Assistance for Mississippians Program (RAMP) provides rental assistance to eligible Mississippians in need. Qualified renters applying for benefits must show someone in their household experiencing homelessness or in need of shelter, rapid re-housing, or other services related to homelessness, and their household income is below 50% of area median income.

Rent Assistance in Missouri

The Missouri Housing Development Corporation has opened applications for State Assistance for Housing Relief (SAFHR) for rent assistance in Missouri.

To be eligible for the SAFHR program, tenant households must:

  • Reside in a residential rental property in Missouri.
  • The property must not be located in Clay County, Greene County, Jackson County, Jefferson County, St. Louis County, Kansas City, or St. Louis City (click here for details).
  • Have an estimated annual household income at or below 80% of the area median income (AMI).
  • Show that one or more individuals in the household receives unemployment benefits and/or have experienced a reduction in household income, incurred significant costs, or experienced financial hardship due to COVID-19.
  • Show that one or more individuals in the household demonstrate the risk of housing instability or homelessness without assistance.
  • Show that any amount of aid going to the tenant’s portion of rent or utilities have not been and will not be paid by any source.

Rent Assistance in Montana

The Montana Department of Commerce is currently working on the Montana Emergency Rental Assistance Program for rent assistance in Montana. Interested residents can subscribe to updates about program information by clicking here.

To be eligible for rent assistance, an applicant’s household income cannot exceed 80 percent of the area median income; an applicant’s household must have experienced income loss, financial hardship, qualified for unemployment benefits, or incurred high costs due directly or indirectly to COVID-19. An applicant must show they’re at risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability.

Rent Assistance in Nebraska

The State of Nebraska is now accepting applications for the Emergency Rental Assistance Program. To be eligible for rent assistance in Nebraska, applicants must be Nebraska residents outside of Douglas and Lancaster Counties; possess a current residential lease or rental agreement, have an existing area median income of no more than 80%; and currently a U.S. citizen or legal resident alien. To receive benefits, your landlord cannot be an immediate family member.

Rent Assistance in New Hampshire

On March 15, 2021, the New Hampshire Emergency Rental Assistance Program (NHERAP) was launched to provide rent assistance in New Hampshire to eligible who cannot pay their rent and utilities because of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Residents are eligible for rental assistance if At least one person in their household qualifies for unemployment benefits, had their income reduced, had significant costs, or had other financial hardship due to COVID-19. (You do not need to be receiving unemployment benefits payments to get help from this program.) The household must be at risk for homelessness, be paying more than 30% of their income for rent and utilities, or live in unsafe or unhealthy housing and meet specific income requirements

Rent Assistance in New Jersey

Residents looking for rent assistance in New Jersey should visit the NJ-DCA Program Portal to submit a pre-application for the waiting list. Complete full applications for benefits are coming soon.

To be eligible for assistance, applicants must verify their identity, evidence of active renter status, income verification, proof of renter arrears (if applying for assistance), and proof of financial hardship. Please click here for a complete list of documentation to demonstrate eligibility.

Rent Assistance in New Mexico

The New Mexico Mortgage Finance Authority (MFA) is taking applications starting March 3, 2021, for its COVID-19 Housing Cost Assistance Program, which will help applicants earn rent assistance in New Mexico.

To be eligible for assistance, applicants must provide documentation that their gross annual household income does not exceed 80% area median income, they suffered financial hardship because of the pandemic, that they live in New Mexico, provide evidence of housing costs, and show they made all housing payments through February 28, 2020. Except for approved Requests for Continued Assistance, funded applicants from MFA’s COVID-19 Housing Cost Assistance Program will not be eligible for payments for a minimum of one year from the date of any prior approved funding.

Rent Assistance in New York

As of February 19, 2021, the New York Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance developed an online application for residents looking for rent assistance in New York. Interested renters should check the website for further updates.

Rent Assistance in North Carolina

As of March 1, 2021, the Housing Opportunities and Prevention of Evictions (HOPE) Program is currently not accepting new applications for rent assistance in North Carolina at this time. Current applicants awaiting benefits should contact their assigned HOPE Program specialist with questions.

Rent Assistance in North Dakota

The North Dakota COVID Emergency Rent Bridge offers eligible residents rent assistance in North Dakota. To determine eligibility, residents must complete an online pre-check application before applying for benefits. The program requires an income of up to 60% area median income.

Rent Assistance in Ohio

Residents looking for rent assistance in Ohio can visit the Ohio Development Services Agency Home Relief Grant webpage to find a local Community Action Agency in their area to apply for benefits.  

Applicants must provide the following information when applying for benefits:

  • Names of all household members.
  • Date (s) of birth Social Security Number(s) (if applicable).
  • Current or previous address copies of Social Security cards, or verification for each household member, if applicable.
  • Proof of income for all household members 18 years or older.
  • Supporting documentation to demonstrate need.
  • Proof of hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Rent Assistance in Oklahoma

Residents looking for rent assistance in Oklahoma can apply for benefits by visiting the Community Action Partnership’s Emergency Rent/Mortgage Assistance webpage. Alternatively, renters can contact one of the seven community centers, based on your zip code, in either Oklahoma County or Canadian County.

Rent Assistance in Oregon

As of March 26, 2021, the Oregon Federal Emergency Rental Assistance Program is not open to applicants yet. Please check the webpage for updated information.

Applicants must have an 80% of Area Median Income and meet the following conditions for eligibility: someone applicant’s household qualified for unemployment benefits or has experienced a reduction in household income, incurred significant costs, or has experienced other financial hardship due directly or indirectly to the coronavirus outbreak; and applicants can demonstrate someone in their household is at risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability evidenced by a past due utility or rent notice.

Rent Assistance in Pennsylvania

Residents can find rent assistance in Pennsylvania by visiting the state’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program webpage.

Tenants can apply for benefits themselves, or a landlord can apply on their behalf. To be eligible for benefits, a household member must be responsible for paying rent on a residential property, and: One or more people within the household have qualified for unemployment benefits, had a decrease in income, had increased household costs, or experienced other financial hardship due directly or indirectly to the COVID-19 pandemic; One or more individuals in the household can show a risk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability, and the household has an income at or below 80 percent of Area Median Income (AMI).

Rent Assistance in Rhode Island

The Rhode Island Rent Relief Program is currently not open for applications. Residents seeking rent assistance in Rhode Island should periodically check the website for my updates.

Tenants should gather the following materials before applications open: proof of residency (ex; bank statement, utility bill, driver’s license), proof of income (ex; wage statements, unemployment letter, 2020 tax return), a signed copy of your lease agreement or documentation showing tenancy (a pattern of rent payment), and documentation demonstrating your rental/utility arrearage (ex; past due utility bill, eviction notice, 5-day demand letter, communication from landlord).

Rent Assistance in South Carolina

The South Carolina Stay Program is currently not accepting applications for rent assistance in South Carolina. Any applicants looking to check the status of their application or applicants that need to refuse an award should call 833-985.2929.

Rent Assistance in South Dakota

SD Cares Housing Assistance Program is helping renters with rent assistance in South Dakota. To qualify for aid, renters must meet the rental income guidelines for their county, have one or more household members experience financial hardship from the pandemic (qualify for unemployment, experienced a reduction in income, or incurred significant costs), and have past due rent or utility bills that may cause homelessness of housing instability.

Rent Assistance in Tennessee

Residents looking for rent assistance in Tennessee can look to several places for aid. First, the Tennessee Development Agency offers energy assistance programs, including Weatherization Assistance Program and the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).

Further, residents looking for rental assistance can contact their local Community Action Agencies by clicking here.

Rent Assistance in Texas

The State of Texas Eviction Diversion Program is a unique partnership between the Supreme Court of Texas, the Texas Office of Court Administration (OCA), and the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) to help with rent assistance in Texas. Applicants can apply for up to 15 months of aid and apply for a delay in eviction lawsuits to wait for benefits.

To be eligible, tenants must have been sued for eviction from their residence and have a court eviction docket number. Applicants must also have a household income at or below 80% of the area median income and have a household member qualify for unemployment as of March 13, 2020, or attest in writing that a household member has experienced a reduction in income, incurred significant costs, or experienced financial hardship. Lastly, households must demonstrate a risk of homelessness or housing instability or move into an unsafe/unhealthy living environment.

Rent Assistance in Utah

Utah Rent Relief is currently accepting applications for the state’s Emergency Rental Assistance Program. Applicants can apply for assistance by clicking here. Renters looking for rent assistance in Utah are eligible for funds if they meet the following criteria:

  • Have a combined household income of 80% of area median income.
  • A member of the household qualifies for unemployment, experienced a reduction in household income, incurred significant costs, or experienced financial hardship because of COVID-19.
  • Experienced housing instability (late utility bills) received a notice of eviction or currently living in unsafe living conditions due to COVID-19.
  • Applicant rents their home. 

Rent Assistance in Vermont

The Vermont State Housing Authority (VSHA) is currently not accepting applications for rent assistance in Vermont because it is still waiting for details of new funding being released. Vermont renters should check the VSHA website for updates.

Rent Assistance in Virgin Islands/Puerto Rico

Renters looking for rent assistance in the U.S. Virgin Islands or Puerto Rico should visit the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s rental help webpage for information. There, renters will find resources on subsidized apartments, Section 8 housing, help with utility bills, and other forms of assistance.

Rent Assistance in Virginia

Please visit the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) Virginia Rent Relief Program (RRP) webpage for rent assistance in Virginia. To be eligible for rental assistance, applicants must meet the following criteria: 

  • Have a valid lease agreement in their name, or possess other documentation confirming a landlord-tenant relationship.
  • Suffered some negative financial impact because of the pandemic, including being laid off, closure of employment, required to stay home to care for child/children because of school closure or distance-learning, lost child/spousal support, increased family expenses because of COVID-19, unable to find employment, or unwilling or unable to find employment due to a high risk of severe illness.
  • Have a rent amount at or below 150% of the Fair Market Value (FMI).
  • Have a gross household income at or below 80% area median income.

Interested renters must determine their eligibility for assistance before applying by clicking here. Contact for questions.

Rent Assistance in Washington

Renters looking for rent assistance in Washington State should visit the Washington Multi-Family Housing Association Rental Assistance for Tenants webpage. There, residents can find information about state-wide and county- or city-specific programs.

To qualify for the Washington Department of Commerce Emergency Rent Assistance Program, applicants must earn no more than 50% of area median income within the last 60 days, have unpaid rent or partially paid rent since March 2, 2020, and meet one of the following criteria:

  • 50% or more of current monthly income goes to paying rent.
  • Experienced homelessness within the last five years.
  • Experienced eviction within the previous seven years.
  • Disputed housing arrangement because of household member’s race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, or religion.
  • At the risk of severe illness (62 or older, underlying condition).
  • A household member currently has a disability.  

Rent Assistance in West Virginia

Renters looking for rent assistance in West Virginia can apply for aid through the West Virginia Housing and Development Fund’s Mountaineer Rental Assistance Program.

To be eligible for the program, renters must make no more than 80 percent of the area median income (low-income); have one or more household members experience a reduction in income, incur significant costs, or experience some financial hardship because of the pandemic; and be at risk of homelessness or housing instability (late utility bill or an eviction notice). Eligible expenses include past due and current rent beginning April 1, 2020, and up to three months of rent after, past due and recent utility bill(s) (water, sewage, electricity, and home energy), a single $300 stipend to pay internet costs for telework, distance learning, telemedicine, and/or to obtain government services. Eligible renters can apply for the Mountaineer Rental Assistance Program by clicking here.  

Rent Assistance in Wisconsin

Renters should visit the State of Wisconsin Department of Administration (DOA) WI Emergency Rental Assistance Program webpage for rent assistance in Wisconsin. Your household may be eligible for rent and utility assistance if one or more individuals in your home:

  • Qualify for unemployment or experienced a reduction in household income, or experienced high costs or financial issues because of COVID-19.
  • Risks eviction or loss of home.
  • Earns a household income at or below 80 percent of the county median.
  • Eligible households may receive up to 12 months of assistance to help with utility bills and rent payments.

Most renters looking for rent assistance in Wisconsin should contact their local community action agency by clicking here, or renters can contact Energy Services, Inc. by calling 1-(833)-900-9327 or email them at Renters living in Brown County, Waukesha County, Milwaukee County, City of Milwaukee, or Dane County and the City of Madison must apply for benefits directly with their local government rental assistance on the WI Emergency Rental Assistance Program webpage.

Rent Assistance in Wyoming

On Friday, March 26, 2021, the State of Wyoming was working on creating a rental assistance program and providing utility assistance for residents. Individuals looking for rent assistance in Wyoming and utility support should Wyoming Department of Family Services (WDFS) Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) webpage for updates.

Eligibility for services is based on income level, COVID-19 impact, and risk of homelessness or housing instability. Information about Eastern Shoshone ERAP should click here, and information about Northern Arapaho should click here.


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